
Please take a moment to get to know Bro. Darren Howell. Below is biographical and testimonial information that Pastor Howell has written.
I was borned into a wonderful family on October 11, 1972, in Pocahontas, Tennessee, My parents names are Jimmy and Peggy Howell. They are both Pentecostal preachers. We lived Pocahontas, Tennessee for about ten years and then moved up the road to Middleton, Tennessee. My parents are still lives there.
I had the privileged to be raised in a Christian home & he attend a great church with a loving church family. I was a member of Pocahontas Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ. It was there that I received some of the most admirable instruction from an outstanding pastor, Rev. James Chessor.
I have always interested in church, even from a very young age. I love music and being around great men of God. There was a gnawing hunger in me to learn more about what God had in store. My sister & I would have church at home. Some of our cousins would come over and we would have singings, testimonies and of course some preaching. Little did I know what God was actually preparing for me. It was somewhere around my tenth birthday when my youth leader, W.C Smith asked me to do a sermon for the youth group,. This would be the beginning of a new era in my life.
When I was sixteen I started feeling the call from God to start evangelizing. I sought the Will of God and the wisdom of other great men and women of God. They all assured me that if it was Gods will ,He would make a way where there was no way. It's hard to evangelize without an automobile! I laugh about that now, but of course, it is the truth. I can rememeber telling God if that was what He wanted me to do, then He would have to make a way. One night, while sitting in a church service in a little town called Hinkle, down in Mississippi, a man walked up and handed me keys to a car. I knew that this was God wanted me to do.
I started traveling around the country, going wherever God would lead me. Three years I traveled before settling down . I pastored a small church in Selmer,Tennessee for almost five years. I felt God calling me to the evangelistic field. After seven years God brought me to a small town called Friendship,Tennessee. I began to feel a burden for this area . I believe that God had something special for this community. I took over the Pastoralship of Faith Pentecostal Church where I has been for almost eight years.
I have five beautiful children . They all love the Lord , play music and sing. They are behind me 100%.

Pray for me and my family that we will do all that God has laid before us!!!
Your Pastor: Bro. Darren Howell.